What To Know About The VAT And UK Duty When Importing Goods From China

 Paying taxes is a part of your life and lifestyle. No matter if you are queen of a country, or simply a delivery-man, it is what it is.

When it comes to importing your goods from other countries like China, the liability of paying taxes and duties to UK customs becomes a necessity. The two main costs that you must understand before importing from China are VAT and UK Duty. The failure of complying with these will leave your goods to be held up at the country border.

What’s it about the VAT and the UK duty ?

When buying from China, you might not pay VAT to the supplier, but you will definitely have to pay it in the UK while importing. As a seller in the UK and importer from China, you are liable to pay VAT on everything that costs you to buy goods and circulate them within the UK. The said VAT is paid on your taxable import along with the shipping cost and also the UK duty.

VAT- Many products entering the UK can move along duty free, or even if the duty is being paid, it is usually a very tiny percentage of the total landed costs. Whereas, VAT is the largest tax, and functions differently for companies and individuals. If your apparent turnover is under 84000 GBP, then you can levy off getting registered for VAT. However, if your business’s turnover is more than 84000 GBP, you become liable to get VAT registered. 

Import Duty- The UK government allots each product a specific duty rate or percentage that you must pay depending upon your imported product type and the declared value of such goods. 

How can you pay the Duty and the VAT

Once you figure out your taxable liability towards the HM Revenue and Customs for your imports, you can easily move forward with it. The VAT and duty is usually paid post you’ve paid for your shipping costs on the front end. Whichever company or agent you hire to work with you, they will notify you about the cost of the VAT or import duty that you owe for the shipment. If you happen to fail to pay your dues, these companies return your goods to the sender within a three week window. 

Where to go?

To give you a much needed break from  all this importing fuss, you can always rely on outsourcing these services and contact Supplybase Solutions to hand over all your worries! We at Supplybase take care of everything on your plate regarding your shipment imports from China including the goods declaration to customs and payment of UK VAT and duty while assisting you. 

We are a UK based China sourcing service with our on-ground team supervising our highest quality products right from within China. Our one-stop shop has served multiple clients from numerous industries for purchasing their materials and finished goods from China for over 25 years! We offer you extensie end-to-end services that let you sit back and relax while we take care of your product quality inspections, monetary assistance, supervision and packaging, Uk based logistics and warehousing, and everything else.

So if you would like to seek assistance from our industry expert service providers, you can visit us here and book a call now!

Visit our website: www.supplybasesolutions.co.uk


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